"So rested he by the Tumtum tree, and stood awhile in thought."

-Lewis Carroll

The online portfolio of

Caitlin Mills-Groninger

he Tumtum Tree

Welcome to the online portfolio of Caitlin Mills-Groninger. For the time being, that is all this site will aspire to--the digital display of selected pieces of my work. There is not a lot of information here, just my art.

I invite you to browse this site at your leisure; I hope you enjoy your stay, and your eyes enjoy the visual candy I've laid out for them. Every gallery now has something in it--this is by no means everything I've done, just the pieces that I think are worth sharing. I plan to add more as time allows, but who knows when that will be?

Should something catch your eye, or if something tickles your fancy, please feel free to check the Contact Me to voice your thoughts. I'd be happy to hear from you.


Updated 16 January 2009
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